Finances are one of those areas of life where preparation is everything. I didn’t paint my first bedroom until I was in my 20s. I tried painting without tape, and as you can imagine, it didn’t turn out very well. I quickly realized the most success would come from the preparation before I laid any paint down. Preparation was everything. Your financial future is no different. Preparation and a plan will put you lightyears ahead. Over the years, I have tried many budgeting and financial discipline methods. I have attempted the good, the bad, and the ugly ideas. Through those experiences, I developed the 5 steps to set the foundation for a successful financial year. In this blog, I will walk through those 5 steps and complete a case study demonstrating my 5 step process. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I am excited and fired up about this year ahead. Stay Motivated!